IT Manager Resume (Job Description, Tips, and Example)

7 min read
IT professional writing IT manager resume

In this age of technology, many job opportunities involve digitization, software development, and information technology. With that, the demand in the IT industry has radically increased. In the IT managerial position alone, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projected an 11% growth from 2020 to 2030. Thatโ€™s almost 50,000 job openings for computer and information systems managers; making it faster than other career options.

With the projection above, itโ€™s no wonder that many IT professionals seek to elevate their career by taking on management roles such as IT manager positions. If youโ€™re one of them, start writing an impressive IT manager resume.

If you want to ace your job search, you need to highlight the right skills alongside your credentials and relevant work experience. To help you, our team of professional writers has curatedย IT resume examplesย with practical tips to secure a job. Letโ€™s dive in.

What is an IT Manager?

The IT manager position entails great responsibilities because you have to ensure that all software systems work smoothly so that the company can run effectively. One of the IT managerโ€™s top duties is to make sure that the team is on the right track with the deliverables in line with set-forth standards.

An IT manager is responsible for making sure that the whole IT team is doing their job effectively. Hence, project management, communication, and expertise in the field are needed to land this job. If these are your strengths and you have the relevant credentials, then this position is for you.

What are the Duties of an IT Manager?

Basically, IT managersโ€™ main responsibilities revolve around managerial tasks, albeit not limited to simply leading a team. Here are the other common duties of an IT manager.

  • Set team standards to ensure deliverables are done efficiently and effectively
  • Make sure programmers, software engineers, and data analysts work together to meet the needs and goals of the company
  • Plan, design, and manage IT projects
  • Support engineering and other departments with IT tools and software applications.
  • Ensure data security while running the companyโ€™s computing needs
  • Evaluate data operations, software, and other IT-related processes
  • Handle IT support and web development
  • Perform regular audit to identify potential problem on the system
  • Improve organizational processes and systems and provide solutions to the IT needs of the company

With all the responsibilities of an IT manager, you need to have relevant soft and hard skills to help you take on all the duties of this post. These include superior skills in IT-related tasks and tools, leadership, organization, keen eye for detail, time management, and communication skills.

How Do You Become an IT Manager?

To be an IT manager, you need to have years of relevant work experience, expertise in the field, and the credentials. Check out this quick rundown of the qualifications required to secure an IT manager position.

  • Bachelorโ€™s degree in information technology, computer engineering, computer science, or similar field
  • Graduate degree relevant to the field is a plus
  • Extensive experience in multiple areas of information technology
  • Excellent leadership, management, communication, decision-making, critical thinking, and time management skills
  • Expertise in IT software and tools such as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), VBScript, Agile methodologies, APIs, and Python.

Expert Tip:

Having the said qualifications is your opportunity to rise above other aspiring candidates. Thus, make sure to include such details on your IT manager resume, especially if theyโ€™re outlined in the job posting.

It Manager Checking Software Codes

What to Include on Your IT Manager Resume

Aiming to climb up the career ladder as an IT manager? You need to start by writing an IT manager resume that could sell your career highlights. This helps you blow your competitors out of the water. Read on the details needed to revamp your job search tool.

Contact Information

A well-written IT manager resume starts with the first and last name, complete mailing address, phone number, and email address of the job applicant. You may also put your LinkedIn profile address, if you have one. To add, you can place your certification beside your name. Doing so can increase the chances of your resume getting noticed.

Specific Target Job

This section is sometimes called the career tag. In this part, you specify your target position. This allows hiring managers and recruiters to know what job opening youโ€™re applying for.

Qualifications Profile / Summary of Qualifications

Writing a resume summary is key to boosting your job search game. Remember, headhunters spend five to seven seconds to review an applicantโ€™s resume. That said; you have to highlight why youโ€™re the best fit for the post.

Expert Tip:

When writing your summary, steer away from the resume objective-type statement. Instead, use compelling titles and headlines to catch the hiring managerโ€™s attention.

IT Manager Skills

Since IT manager positions require years of experience and superior knowledge in the field, itโ€™s already given that they have a lot of industry-specific and soft skills to offer. Thus, itโ€™s crucial that you highlight what skills you should put on your IT manager resume.

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Ways to List and Create Headings for Job Skills in a Resume

Work Experience

Work experience is one of the most reviewed resume sections. Thatโ€™s why you have to take advantage of it by listing relevant work experience starting with the most recent down to the first. Take note of the company names and their locations, your job titles, and the employment dates.

Also, donโ€™t forget to describe notable contributions in the industry and accomplishments using bullet points. This will help hiring managers and recruiters to scan your work experience without missing important details.

Related Article: 

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Resume with No Work Experience


Another essential section is education. This is where you put how credible you are based on your degree in college and even in graduate school. Include your complete degree and course title, school name and its location, and the dates of your graduation. Plus, highlighting your awards, honors, recognition, as well as scholarships you received can help catch the attention of hiring managers.

Training, Certifications, and Licenses

Despite this being a managerial position, an IT manager position may attract even those candidates without the credentials needed for the job. Therefore, grab this opportunity to impress hiring managers. Showcase that you have played a vital role and have been involved with different training programs, workshops, and seminars. These include industry-related certifications and licenses.

Other Possible Information to Include on Your IT Manager Resume

Thereโ€™s no harm in including your professional affiliations, activities, technical skills, and projects handled. In fact, this gives you an advantage.

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Resume Trends to Secure a Job

It Professional Writing It Manager Resume

How to Write Your IT Manager Resume

After knowing the important resume sections, itโ€™s time to craft your IT manager resume. Here are some tips to help you write a job-winning resume.

1. Apply simple yet attractive design and layout.

Make sure your IT manager resume isnโ€™t cluttered with too much designs and fancy font styles. A simple yet engaging and easy-to-read resume is enough to interest hiring managers and recruiters.

2. Choose the best resume format.

When writing your IT manager resume, use the best resume format that will speak of your qualifications, skills, and relevant work experience. Chronological resume format is best if you have extensive work experience in the field. If you donโ€™t have years of experience to back you up, use other resume formats that could highlight what you can contribute to the company.

Related Article: 

Which Resume Format Best Suits Your Application?

3. Highlight your IT manager skills.

As mentioned above, itโ€™s important for an IT manager to have a lot of skills and abilities to offer. Since youโ€™re applying for an IT manager position, you must highlight the skills relevant to the job. Be sure to balance your technical and management skills.

4. Include resume keywords.

Itโ€™s best to use resume keywords so that employers can easily evaluate if youโ€™re a perfect fit for the position. That said; use these terms not just in the skills section but also throughout your IT manager resume. Moreover, including resume keywords can help you beat the applicant tracking systems.

Expert Tip:

Resume keywords are job-related or industry-specific words and phrases outlined in job postings. Hence, make sure that your job search tool matches the job ad.

5. Use concrete data and examples.

Donโ€™t just list plain information; instead quantify your skills, work experience, and other accomplishments. Describe them effectively using strong action words and give examples of instances where you have showcased skills relevant to the position.

6. Proofread, proofread, and proofread.

Itโ€™s imperative to check your IT manager resume multiple times to ensure that it doesnโ€™t have grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Remember, your job search document is the first thing recruiters will see, so make sure that youโ€™ll impress them with a keyword-rich, error-free resume.

Expert Tip:

Use free resume review online before submitting your resume to employers.

IT Manager Resume Example

Now that youโ€™re familiar with the important sections to include on your IT manager resume and some tips to ace your job search. Itโ€™s time to take the next stepโ€”write your IT manager resume. Our team of professional resume writers handpicked one of the best IT manager resumes to guide you in your resume writing. Check the example below.

Senior Information Technology Manager
Earlier Career For It Manager Resume Example

Get Hired Fast by Letting Experts Write Your IT Manager Resume

If you want to make sure that your IT manager resume will pass the ATS and get a positive response from hiring managers and recruiters, donโ€™t hesitate to ask for help from professional resume writers.

Good newsโ€”youโ€™re on the right page! Resume Professional Writers has a team of expert writers who are trained to write high-quality resumes for different industries, including information technology. What are you waiting for? Hire our resume writers now and get ready to level up your career.

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