Top Skills That You Need to Include in Your Resume

4 min read

With the recent events happening worldwide, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic, job searching has become more challenging. Many firms started to innovate by gearing their campaigns to reach a wider audience. Hence, several firms are opening more job positions to cover these areas. But since there are other job seekers who are also on the run to find a new job, the competition has become stricter. To gain more edge, you must highlight your skills right away. How? You can look for resume skills examples or partner with the best resume writing service. Know more about resume skill sets through this blog.

How to Optimize Your Resume Through Your Skill Sets

Most companies today use applicant tracking system (ATS) to narrow down their list of job applicants. This system scans your resume to see if your experiences match the qualifications of the job post. So, to pass through this strict keyword detector, you must sprinkle the right amount of keywords on essential sections of your resume, such as the skills section.

The skills section includes your knacks relevant to your target job post. One way to beat the ATS is to fill this section with skills related to your field. For instance, if youโ€™re in an IT industry, then include skills and jargon pertinent to the job. Customize your skills section and match your skills with the listed job posting.

Difference Between Soft and Hard Skills

Your winning feats can be grouped into two types: hard skills and soft skills.

Hard skills are also called technical skills. These skills are vital in completing a task or performing the role that is written in the job post. Hard skills are often quantified and are gained through training or improved from previous work experiences.

Meanwhile, soft skills are those traits that you can use in building interpersonal relationships. These are also called transferable skills because you can apply them in any field or on any job level. This list of skills is helpful, especially if youโ€™re planning a career shift.

Resume Skills Examples: Top 10 Hard Skills to Put in Your Resume

  1. Software Proficiency โ€“ This skill involves your adeptness in using basic software such as Microsoft Office Suite in doing your job. This can help you finish most clerical tasks in a short period of time.
  2. Product Design โ€“ If youโ€™re applying for a job in marketing, then this skill could surely help you gain more edge during the hiring process. This includes pitching fresh design ideas and using various tools to craft it.
  3. Writing and Editing โ€“ These skills might seem basic, but these will surely help you create reports and blogs that can capture the interest of your audience.
  4. Data Analysis โ€“ To create fact-filled and accurate reports, one must be able to extract information from data provided. This is required in most scientific and marketing fields.
  5. Language Fluency โ€“ If your job is based overseas or might need to deal with foreign partners, then this skill will be your lifesaver. Include the languages that you can speak and level of fluency as part of your relevant skills.
  6. Project Management โ€“ This is the process of leading a work to meet the listed criteria without missing out on the deadline. Flaunt this skill in your resume or cover letter to gain more edge.
  7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) โ€“ If youโ€™re eyeing a job in the digital field, SEO and SEM is your way to go. These skills are crucial in online branding and content creation.
  8. Human Resource โ€“ Let your employers know that you can be an asset to the HR team. Your innovative mind can help them devise effective office programs.
  9. Research Skills โ€“ Research is usually a required skill in any type of field. This is the ability to use tools to gain enough data that are essential in planning and problem-solving.
  10. Accounting โ€“ This skill includes basic recordkeeping, invoicing, payment processing, and other tasks related to accounting.

Group Of Job Seekers Discussing Soft And Hard Skills

Resume Skills Examples: Top 10 Soft Skills to Highlight in Your Resume

  1. Public Speaking โ€“ This skill is important to any type of job. The ability to communicate your ideas is helpful in presenting fresh concepts and facilitating meetings and seminars.
  2. Analytical Thinking โ€“ No matter what job level you hold in a team, you must be able to identify and define problems properly to create viable solutions.
  3. Conflict Management โ€“ This skill comes in handy whenever you need to resolve a conflict without affecting the performance of the whole team. It is the skill to reduce negative factors to produce more positive outcomes.
  4. Planning โ€“ This skill is essential in anticipating possibilities and conflicts that may arise in the near future. This will help the team in creating right choices to achieve the goal faster.
  5. Attention to Detail โ€“ Hiring managers love to see this skill, for they want someone who is quick to spot errors. At times, even the slightest error could affect the entire plan.
  6. Empathy โ€“ This skill is the ability to put yourself in othersโ€™ shoes. It plays a key role in building rapport with your team and knowing their way of thinking to craft ways to inspire them.
  7. Leadership โ€“ A good team consists of team players who can motivate each other to achieve a shared goal. This also involves quick thinking skills and enough charisma to engage with others.
  8. Multitasking โ€“ It is a skill you need to complete several tasks in a short amount of time. This skill can help you beat deadlines and complete tasks.
  9. Time Management โ€“ This skill can help you plan and organize your tasks based on urgency and other factors. It is necessary in attaining both short-term and long-term goals.
  10. Work Ethic โ€“ Hiring managers want to see someone who has a strong work ethic. They want to hire an employee who possesses traits that would benefit the whole team.

Soft and Hard Skills: Which One is Better?

People may argue that hard skills are far better than soft skills, or vice versa. While there might be a debate on this, you can consider both types of skills into your resume. You need to maintain balance and use them to elevate your job search. These types of skills might differ from each other but are both significant aspects of your resume. Hard skills are great proofs of your abilities. However, hiring managers also look for people who possess traits that can fit to their teams. Partner your great technical skills with good traits and youโ€™ll be able to snag your target job, fast.

Want to see more resume skills examples? Head over to our resume writing blogs for templates and tips. You can also talk to our career experts and let us help you craft the best resume for your job search needs.

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