How to Reply to an Interview Request (Plus Interview Email Response Examples)

5 min read

For entry-level job seekersโ€”whether newly graduates or those with a sparse career pathโ€”a job interview can spell a world of difference in their professional journey. Hence, itโ€™s important to understand that zero experience will not hinder you from landing a job. What matters is how well you sell your value offer through your resume and cover letter.

Suppose your job search tools caught the attention of a hiring manager. Whatโ€™s next? Are you ready to get a response from the hiring manager? The goal is to make a great impression on the employer. So, are you wondering how to respond to an interview request? Before anything else, first, we have to define an interview request email.

What is an Interview Request Email?

An interview invitation email is sent by a hiring manager to a potential candidate. This happens once a job hopeful submitted their resume and it caught the attention of the potential employer. And while in some instances the hiring manager calls the applicant to request for an interview, most of the time they simply send out an interview request email.

A Job Seeker Know How To Respond To An Interview Request Writing An Email

How to Respond to an Interview Request

What should you do if you finally get an interview email? How do you respond to an interview request? We will guide you on how to respond to an interview request through some interview tips along with a couple of example emails. Read on!

1. Respond promptly.

You don’t let the hiring manager wait for your response. Reply to an interview request email within the first 24 hours. A simple acknowledgement will suffice. Remember, multiple candidates might be in a queue. Your quick reply might have given you the most convenient time slot for your interview. Otherwise, your delayed response might give of the wrong impression that youโ€™re not interested anymore, impelling the hiring manager to close your application and proceed to the next qualified candidate.

2. Observe the proper etiquette in writing an email response.

Hereโ€™s a quick guide on how to respond to a job interview request:

  • Be grateful. Express your gratitude and enthusiasm in your interview confirmation. It will show your respect and interest in the job application.
  • Be direct. Get to the point immediately. You do not need to restate your qualifications. Save this kind of energy for the actual interview.
  • Stay professional. Keep your tone professional throughout your interview response email. Avoid text abbreviations. Donโ€™t use emojis since you are not in a group chat with your friends.
  • Be formal. Use formal greetings and salutations, and address the recruiter with their last name.
  • Proofread. Check your email response to the interview by reading it line by line. Ensure there are no typographical or grammatical errors. A sloppy email can adversely affect your first impression.
  • Reply to all. Don’t exclude anyone from the email thread, so that your job application will still be on track.

3. Confirm the interview email.

When you respond to an interview request, donโ€™t forget to provide your availability. Some interview request emails include important information such as the location. It might take place in an office, through a phone interview, or in an online interview. Whatever the case, let the hiring manager know your availability if they do not provide an interview time. Ask for an alternative time if you have a conflict with their interview date. Let them know the days and times that work best for you.

A Woman Thinking Of Questions For Email Reponse

4. Ask questions.

There might be instances wherein the interview email doesnโ€™t contain all the necessary details. If so, donโ€™t hesitate to ask for additional information. You could ask further about the company, hiring process, and interview schedule.

5. Add your contact information.

Your phone number and email address in your resume are not enough. Still, provide your contact information below your closing greeting. This makes it easier for future correspondences.

6. Go back to the job description.

Review the job description. Is this the job that you really want to pursue? This is one way to find out if you want to continue the application process. It is also a great way to remind yourself of the job you applied for. Lastly, this is where youโ€™ll know if you have to prepare for your job interview.

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Examples of Interview Request Responses

Most interview request emails follow a standard format, which involves asking the job applicant to confirm your availability for the interview. Even so, the recruiter may ask for other details. As a result, your email response will vary accordingly. If youโ€™re wondering how to respond to an interview request through email, weโ€™ve prepared two examples of job interview request responses.

1. How to respond to an interview request if the hiring manager requests it

Dear Mr. Davis,

Thank you for inviting me for an interview for the advertising sales agent role at CAB Company. I am available this Monday at 9:00 AM. I look forward to meeting you and discussing this position in more detail.

Kindly let me know if you need any information before our Monday morning meeting at your offices.


Wilson Lee
(541) 856-7225

2. How to respond to an interview request if the hiring manager asks about a job requirement you don’t have

Thereโ€™s no need to panic when the employer asks about some job requirements that you lack. You donโ€™t have to lie. Instead, emphasize your willingness to learn. This eagerness to grow and thrive in their company might prove integral.

Dear Mr. Davis,

Thank you for considering me as for the advertising sales agent at CAB Company. To answer your question regarding my credentials, I currently donโ€™t have [specific credentials/requirements]. Nonetheless, I can assure you that my current qualifications and skills will more than make up for what I donโ€™t have. I am looking forward to speaking to you soon to express my determination to be an asset to your company.


Wilson Lee
(541) 856-7225
A Woman Happy Getting Job Interview Invitation

Read More Job Interview Tips from Our Career Experts

As someone starting their career off on the right foot, job applications might be an entirely nerve-wracking exercise for you. And your job search really begins once as prospective company contacts you to request for an interview. Therefore, the real fight begins when the spotlight shines on you. Thereโ€™s nothing to do but grab the moment.

One of the stages of your preparation is to know how to respond to an interview request, which means a potential employer wants to get to know you more. Once you learn how to reply, itโ€™s time to get familiar with the common interview questions. Getting ready for a job interview is never easy. So, our career experts have compiled interview tips to help you leave a great impression. Additionally, remember that a strong resume is your first opportunity to make a lasting impression. Before you respond to that interview request, have your resume professionally evaluated. Check out our resume evaluation to make a great first impression. Enhance your job application with our professional resume writing services, ensuring your skills and experiences are presented in the best possible light.

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