Are Resume Writing Services Worth It? (Truths You Need to Know)

7 min read

Surely youโ€™re reading this article because youโ€™re tired of writing your own resumeโ€”or it could be youโ€™re not even planning to write one to begin with. During job search, itโ€™s normal for job seekers like you to question if their resume is good enough. Well, itโ€™s just a document about you. But why bother thinking if it looks professionally written? You probably know the answer to this one: Hiring managers are faced with tons of resumes in just a single job post and your resume is your ticket to land interviews.

So, at the end of this article, weโ€™ll help you answer two things. First, is it time to pause and give up on writing your resume? Second, are resume writing services worth it? Do they work, and are they worth every penny? Read on and, hopefully, youโ€™ll find reasons to invest in a great resume written by an expert.

What is a Resume Writer?

A professional resume writer is someone who specializes in crafting resumes from scratch or helping clients update their career profiles and job application documents to ace job interviews and land their target jobs. Resume writers are tasked to take into account all relevant experiences, skills, and qualifications of their clients as they write resumes and other job search tools to help ensure theyโ€™re tailored to what the target job requires.

Signs Itโ€™s Time to Look for Professional Resume Writers

Letโ€™s tackle the first point we must answer: Is it time to pause and give up writing your own resume? At what point do you resign to the fact that you need professional resume help? Check the list below and spend time assessing yourself.

Candidates For Work With Resumes And Cvs

1. You donโ€™t know where to start.

Clueless at all? Everyoneโ€™s been there, and itโ€™s normal. As a professional whoโ€™s currently at a career crossroads, your edge against your competitors is your resume itself. How well did you present it? Did you use the right resume format? Did you avoid the resume mistakes that turn off hiring managers? A resume must answer these questions. Donโ€™t have any ideas and plans to write your own? Thereโ€™s one thing you could do: Hire a resume writer.

2. Youโ€™re overwhelmed with millions of resume samples online.

Normally, job seekers search for a file to copy when writing a resume. So, you couldโ€™ve searched for โ€œresume templatesโ€ online. However, in less than a second, over 129 million results can be found on Google alone. This is quite a lot, right? Imagineโ€”millions of images, PDF, books, videos, articles.

Which one will you even click and stare at? These resume samples are really helpful. However, you wouldnโ€™t know the best resume examples youโ€™d see online. Aside from this, you must learn and figure out if the resume layout of the template you found online fits your needs and background. So much to consider, right?

3. You donโ€™t have the time.

Not everyone has the luxury of time. Responsibilities, research, writing, editingโ€”resume writing takes a lot of time. A well-written resume needs a couple of revisions to finally make it simply presentable and clear to the recruiterโ€™s eyes. In line with this, one good thing about hiring a resume writing service is they have a dedicated writer and editor for your resume.

4. You canโ€™t tailor your experiences to your target job.

Shifting careers? Chances are youโ€™re having a hard time tailoring your work history to your new target job. Do you know the jargon used in a specific industry? Do you have an idea if youโ€™re qualified for your target job given the experiences you have? Is your skillset enough? Then, the best option is to hire a professional to write for you. Not only would they choose the best skills and experiences fit for the post; they would also present them in a logical, organic way.

5. You have too much info and you want to include them all.

Repetitive details kill the opportunity. Of course, you want to impress the recruiters; so, do it properly. Expert resume writers are trained to assess all your details and discern the best ones to include in your resume. After filtering, theyโ€™ll present your professional history in an effective manner.

6. Youโ€™re spending more time focusing on your interview and less on anything else.

Youโ€™re so busy preparing for the interview, yet your resume isnโ€™t updated. Why prepare for something youโ€™re unsure of happening? Secure your resume first! In fact, you can do both at the same time: Hiring a professional resume writer gives you the luxury of time to prepare for the job interview youโ€™ve been hoping to happen. Instead of sitting and writing your resume, you could continue prepping for that crucial job interview.

7. You made your own resume, submitted it, and never got a response.

The last straw when itโ€™s time to hire a resume writer: You havenโ€™t received any job interview invites. A good resume secures job interviews. Thatโ€™s the point of having a resume, right? Submitting a poor resume wastes oneโ€™s hiring chances. Companies donโ€™t allow resubmission of applications in six months at minimum. So, donโ€™t lose your self-esteem with failed applications. You can open more doors when you hire a resume writer to do the task for you.

With all these said, the question remains: Are resume writers worth it?

Rejected Application Highlighting Are Resume Writing Services Worth It

Why Hire a Resume Writing Service

One reason to hire resume writing service providers is that resume writers are well-versed in optimizing resumes for the applicant tracking systems (ATS). ATS programs are used by companies to scan and filter resumes, especially those that donโ€™t fit the requirements or standards set by the company in the job posting. With the help of an expert resume writer, your job application will have more chances of being screened as a good one and be endorsed to the hiring manager for further review and potential job interview invite.

Another thing to consider is that as a job seeker, you might have a lot on your plate as you work toward landing your target job. Searching for available job postings and attending job interviews are two of the main activities you might spend more of your time on, and writing your job search tools can also take up a huge chunk of your schedule if you do it yourself. Not to mention, ensuring a professionally written resume takes time as you have to consider including keywords from the job description as well as your work experiences that are only relevant to the job youโ€™re aiming to land.

For these abovementioned reasons and more, entrusting your resume writing needs to a professional will help you free up time and focus on the other core job search tasks you have.

Related Article:

ATS Resume Checker: Your Ultimate Guide to Beating the Bot

Benefits of Hiring a Resume Writer

Now, there might be a lingering question on your mind: Are resume writing services worth it? To guide you better, the following are just some of the top benefits of hiring a resume writer:

  • High-quality writing, free of red flags
  • Time and cost savings
  • Job search tools at par with international standards
  • Optimized resumes for various target jobs
  • Topnotch after-sales services

Which Resume Writing Service is the Best?

The process of choosing a resume writing service is often taken for granted by job seekers due to the many options they have when they search online. In addition, the proliferation of resume service providers makes it challenging to come up with a quality list of choices to consider. Even so, being a keen client is still the best way to ensure youโ€™re getting your moneyโ€™s worth when you decide to work with a resume writing service firm.

Having that said, here are some key factors you should look for to help you decide whether a service provider can deliver your unique job search needs:

  • Service reviews from real customers
  • Online presence of the service provider
  • Resume writing process and turnaround time
  • Proven expertise in the field
  • Samples of their work

For starters, check out the best resume writing services in Los Angeles for further details.

How Much Does Resume Writing Cost?

While you can always get a benchmark on the average range of how resume writing services cost, the final price youโ€™ll pay to avail of this service will depend on your unique needs. Typically, it ranges from $100 to $1000, taking into consideration various factors including your:

  • Level of job experience;
  • Career trajectory; and
  • Job search needs, among others.

Of course, you wouldnโ€™t want having a generic resume that will only put your job application at risk of not being noticed by recruiters and hiring managers. This is why you must be able to craft job search tools tailored to the job youโ€™re vying for, while considering your current professional status and career goals.

Are Resume Writing Services Worth It?

Try to assess yourself. Did you tick all or most of the signs mentioned above? If yes, then letโ€™s help you answer the next questions you have in mind. Are resume writing services worth it? Do resume writing services really work?

Allow us to be straightforward: Yes and no.

First is no. It wonโ€™t work if you hired the wrong resume service. There are hundreds of resume writing services online, and searching for the most reliable one is risky. It wonโ€™t work if you didnโ€™t have ideas on how to choose the right resume writer for you. Also, it wonโ€™t work because you expected that your resume will do the job for your job interview.

While professionally written resumes help you secure interview invitations, you still need to prepare for job interviews. Hereโ€™s a great advice: Read job interview tips while waiting for your resume to get done.

Next is yes. If you hire reliable, expert resume services, then youโ€™ll receive a return on investment. For instance, some job seekers hire executive resume writers. They are best at creating job tools for high-level posts. If youโ€™re planning to hire one later on, here are the things you must check:

  • Great customer service
  • Price
  • Turnaround time
  • Process
  • ATS resumes
  • Interview guarantee
  • Reviews
  • Great output

Check their websites and social media accounts. If youโ€™re still hesitant, you can ask them to review your resume just to test the waters. At Resume Professional Writers, we do it free of charge!

Successful Job Search Ending In Hiring

Entrust Your Resume Writing Needs to Professionals

Weโ€™ve helped countless customers with their careers for over 20 years, achieving an annual satisfaction rating of 96%. Our expert resume writers, many of whom have been with us since 2000, are continually trained to deepen their expertise. Our resumes are enticing, keyword-optimized, and ATS friendly. We ensure your satisfaction with unlimited revisions. Check out our professional resume writing services to boost your career prospects.

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