5 Reasons You Need to Tailor Your Generic Resume

4 min read

While a generic resume is useful when you are applying for multiple job posts, it doesnโ€™t set you apart from any other Joe or Jane on the street. It is but a quick way to let future employers reject your resume. So, when you need to apply for many positions, put effort into tailoring your resume to fit each company.

Why Tailor Your Generic Job Resume

Here are the reasons you need to customize your piece instead of handing a generic one to your future employer. Read on.

1. It informs employers of your qualifications.

With so many resumes coming from most job postings, recruiters only spend an average of six seconds to determine if youโ€™re qualified or not. So, if your resume doesnโ€™t connect the dots between your skills and the jobโ€™s demands, they will discard your paper right away.

2. It makes you stand out from the crowd.

One advantage of having a generic resume is that you canโ€™t go wrong with it. But each job post receives an average of 250 replies. Chances are, your resume just wonโ€™t make the cut. On the other hand, once you tailor your resume to your target job, it will be an instant win for you. Sitting next to someone whose resume looks like your copy will do no good but jeopardize your chances for the job.

3. It shows your genuine interest for the position.

Recent studies show that job seekers spend an average of 80 seconds to read a job posting before hitting the โ€œApplyโ€ button. And, employers are sick of resume spammers. So, you must show them that youโ€™re eager and not just submitting your resume just for the sake of it. A resume tailored to your target job post clearly shows your interest.

4. It makes sure you included the right keywords for the ATS.

Due to the volume of responses to most job posts, recruiters often use an applicant tracking system (ATS). This screening method is very particular with the usage of keywords, which makes you visible online. With a generic resume that doesnโ€™t contain vital keywords, you may have a hard time getting phone calls for a job interview invite.

5. It flaunts your business and technology skills.

Employers want workers who know how to use technology for business. If you submit a generic resume, you show lack of knowledge of both the hiring process and technology. Hirers will assume youโ€™re not adept at using word processing software well enough to tailor your resume nor using the Internet to your advantage. Likewise, it might imply you donโ€™t realize how competitive the current job market is.

How to Tailor a Generic Resume

Unaware of the perks that tailored resumes bring, most job seekers still write generic resumes when applying for various jobs. Whatโ€™s good with a customized resume is it doesnโ€™t require you to re-write your piece for each of your target positions. Instead, it entails writing more useful information thatโ€™s relevant to the job itself.

Perhaps youโ€™re asking yourself: โ€œHow do I tailor my resume to a specific job?โ€ Heed these tips to improve your copy and make it more ‘personal’.

1. Specify the post you intend to fill.

Modern resumes contain a career tag, a word or phrase that tells exactly the job title you want to grab. This is what a generic resume lacks. If youโ€™re unsure or torn between two vacant posts in a company, your focus or field of interest may suffice, just to keep you away from the job you dislike.

2. Match the job description with your skills.

Job announcements sometimes make use of a unique job title you never heard or held before. Donโ€™t fret; you can still match your qualifications with it. Read the job descriptions carefully to know or get hints which words or jargon to use in your copy to bolster your chances of passing the ATS.

3. Align your profile summary with the career tag.

Placed below the career tag or target job title, your โ€œSummary of Qualificationsโ€ section must describe you as a professional. This one gives a boost to your hiring chances, only if done right. How? Describe yourself in 5 sentences, with strong adjectives to start each sentence. You may create a paragraph or list each item using bullet points.

A Piece Of Paper On The Table As A Job Seeker Prepares To Write A Tailored Generic Resume

4. Spread the buzzwords.

A resume filled with keywords implies a customized piece. Just donโ€™t overdo it. To convince the hiring manager of your worth, put your keywords in three major sections: profile summary, core competencies or strengths, and work experience.

5. Be creative.

Hirers can easily spot generic resumes, especially the ones made out of resume templates and patterned after samples online. Creativity can do wonders. You can do it in many ways: using visual enhancers, stressing your resume sections, putting your photo, and using creative terms to replace the โ€œcommonโ€ or โ€œoldโ€ ones.

More powerful than a generic resume, a tailored resume is the surest way to attract hiring managers. It tells your future employer youโ€™re the best candidate for the job.

Donโ€™t know how to match your resume to the job you want? Canโ€™t find the perfect resume examples to help ease the writing process? We have the best resume writing services to help you succeed in your quest. Let us assess your needs so we can provide you with a job-targeted piece!

Sources: workcoachcafe.com | write.com | monster.com
Photo by Oli Lynch from Pixabay and Kaboompics .com from Pexels

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