8 In-Demand Freelance Jobs You Can Pursue in the Current State of Remote Work

6 min read

From the global pandemic to the recession, a handful of factors have forced the hand of many professionals worldwide to abandon their 9-to-5, full-time jobs and instead pursue freelance work. Especially in todayโ€™s day and age of technology and digitalization, remote work has never been more enticing. 

If youโ€™re among the sea of professionals testing the waters and looking for the best freelance jobs available, this article is for you. Before anything else, however, letโ€™s take a closer look into freelancing, the job outlook awaiting freelancers, and the best freelance jobs you can pursue. Letโ€™s go!

What is Freelancing?

In simple terms, freelancing refers to a work arrangement wherein one works independently and offers services to clients on a project-by-project basis. This differs greatly from traditional employment, wherein one works for a single company on a full-time basis. Freelancers are self-employed individuals who provide their expertise and skills to clients who need specific tasks or projects completed. They have the freedom to choose the clients they work with, set their own schedules, and determine their pricing.

In addition, freelancers often work remotely and can offer a wide range of services across various industries, such as writing, graphic design, programming, marketing, and consulting, among others.

Freelance Job Outlook

Just why does freelancing entice countless job seekers today? According to a compiled statistics by DemandSage:

  • There are over 1.57 billion freelancers in the world in 2023, 73.3 million of whom work in the United States alone
  • A reported 71% of employees in the US intend to pursue freelance work in 2023
  • The worldwide freelance market accounts for $1.5 trillion and continues to increase at a CAGR of 15%
  • More often than not, Generation Z chooses freelance work over a 9-to-5 setup

The takeaways above show how much freelancing has become an increasingly popular career choice as of late, and which will continue in the years to come.

Young Woman Freelancer Working In A Coffeehouse

Benefits of Freelancing

Simply put, freelancing serves as a great jumping-off point for any job hopeful who wants to pursue a more flexible career. Freelancing offers several benefits that make it an attractive career choice for many individuals. Below are some of the benefits one can reap from pursuing a freelance career. 

Flexibility and Independence

Primary among the reasons freelancing has seen an increase in demand is the flexibility and autonomy it offers. You have the freedom to choose your projects, set your own schedule, and work from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This flexibility allows you to balance work better since you have more control over the type of work you do and the clients you choose to work with.

Higher Earning Potential

Freelancers have the potential to earn more compared to traditional employment. This is largely because you have the ability to set your own rates based on your skills, experience, and the value you provide to clients. You also have the leeway to take on multiple projects and clients simultaneously, which can significantly increase your income.

Variety and Learning Opportunities

Freelancing favors variety, since it often exposes you to a diverse range of projects and clients. This variety, in turn, allows you to continuously learn and expand your skill set. You can work on different projects, explore new industries, and gain valuable experience in several disciplines.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Freelancing can be a stepping stone toward entrepreneurship. How? It allows you to develop business skills, build a client base, and test your ideas and services in the market. Hence, freelance work can serve as a launchpad for starting your own business in the long run.

Work-Life Balance

Finally, the best freelance jobs are those that offer job seekers the potential for a better work-life balance. You can have more control over your time, allowing you to prioritize personal commitments, spend time with loved ones, pursue hobbies, and take breaks when needed.

Expert Tip:

Aside from pursuing a freelance job that correlates to your skills and interests, choose a freelance job that would allow you to enjoy and excel, since that would increase the likelihood of your professional growth. 

How to Become a Freelancer

Becoming a freelancer involves several steps. Below are the general steps you can take to embark on a freelancing career:

Identify Your Skills and Strengths

Determine your areas of expertise and the services you can offer as a freelancer. To do this, you need to assess your skills, experience, and knowledge to understand the services you can provide to clients. 

Find Your Target Audience

Now that you have a freelance service to offer, itโ€™s time to choose your niche. Who are your target audience? Narrow down your focus and select a specific niche or industry you want to specialize in. Doing so allows you to target a specific market and become an expert in that field, which can help attract clients.

Set Your Pricing

By creating a pricing structure, you can better determine how much you will charge for your services. Research the market rates in your industry and consider your experience and expertise when deciding on your pricing structure. Some factors to consider include the project duration, the complexity of the task, and the urgency involved.

Build Your Portfolio

Develop a compelling portfolio of your previous works that showcase your best work and demonstrate your capabilities to potential clients. If you don’t have any previous freelance projects, consider creating sample projects or offering your services at a reduced rate to build up your portfolio.

Establish Your Professional Network

Once you start working as a freelancer, establish an online presence by building your network. Encourage your connections to forward your contact information to anyone who may need your services. Utilize social media platforms to engage with potential clients and promote your work.

Continuously Work on Personal Learning

Finally, donโ€™t stop learning and improving. Stay abreast with industry trends, technology advancements, and new skills, especially those related to your niche. Invest in your professional development through online courses, workshops, or certifications to enhance your expertise and remain competitive.

Working At Home Freelancer Job Concept
8 In-Demand Freelance Jobs You Can Pursue in the Current State of Remote Work 1

Best Freelance Jobs to Pursue

Today, there are a wide variety of freelance jobs available. Nonetheless, the best freelance jobs depend on oneโ€™s skills, interests, and the current market demand. The following are some of the more popular freelance jobs that are often in high demand.

1. Web Developer

With the increasing reliance on digital platforms, web development remains a sought-after skill. As one of the best freelance jobs today, web developer posts can be lucrative for a job seeker with skills in creating websites and developing web applications, as well as maintaining existing ones.

2. Graphic Designer

If you have a creative flair, graphic design can be a rewarding freelance career. Clients often require designs for logos, branding materials, and marketing collaterals.

3. Content Writer and Copywriter

Talented writers are in demand to produce high-quality content for websites, blogs, social media, and marketing campaigns. Copywriters specialize in writing persuasive copy for advertisements and promotional materials.

4. Digital Marketer

If youโ€™re looking to carve a niche in digital marketing, then a freelance job might be for you. Businesses are constantly seeking freelancers to help with their online marketing strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media management, email marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

5. Video Editor

As video content becomes increasingly popular across platforms, skilled video editors are in high demand. From editing corporate videos to YouTube content, there are various opportunities in this field for freelance job seekers.

6. Virtual Assistant

Given the proliferation of remote work, many entrepreneurs and businesses recognize the need for remote support with their administrative tasks, scheduling, email management, and other virtual assistance roles. Hence, virtual assistant posts are considered among the best freelance jobs owing to their flexibility.

7. Social Media Manager

Managing social media accounts for individuals or businesses is another thriving freelance niche. This includes creating content, scheduling posts, engaging with followers, and analyzing metrics.

8. Online Tutor

If you have expertise in teaching, especially in a particular subject, you can offer online tutoring services. With the rise of elearning platforms, there is a growing demand for tutors in various subjects and languages.

Colleague Discussing Best Freelance Jobs

Hire Resume Professional Writers to Land the Best Freelance Jobs Today

With the job market offering plenty of opportunities for professional growth, itโ€™s imperative to plan ahead and be properly equipped with the updated job search tools. Our career experts at Resume Professional Writers can provide you with job-winning application tools that will help you be more prepared to navigate the world of freelance work. Are you ready? Letโ€™s keep in touch today and work together to jumpstart your career! 

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