10 Effective Ways to Promote Positive Thinking

2 min read

Do you remember the phrase we use to illustrate negative and positive thinking — the glass with water at the halfway point? How you answer it reflects your view on life and of yourself. It shows whether you’re optimistic or pessimistic. If you’re a negative person, don’t despair. You can learn positive thinking skills by practicing a few rituals. Read to learn more.

10 Positive Thinking Tips to Kill Your Negativity Bug

1. Start your day with a positive outlook.

Don’t start your day guessing that something will go wrong, instead go out with a positive mindset and convince yourself you’ll succeed.

2. Chuck the newspaper and turn off the television.

Sad and depressing stories filled the newscasts and tabloids these days. If you’re struggling to be optimistic, avoid gloomy stories because they will only worsen your mood.

3. Learn from your mistakes.

Positive thinking doesn’t mean you should wipe out negativity. Learn from your mistakes by reflecting on how you should have handled the circumstance in a different way and, thus, changing its outcome.

4. Live a healthy lifestyle.

A lifestyle that highlights stress relief and healthy eating produces a positive mood. Likewise, exercise at least four times a week and follow a healthy diet.

5. Visualize your success.

Do you want to save enough money for a vacation in Hawaii? Tape a photo of a beach sunset on your mirror. Are you eager to lose weight? Then hang a pair of skinny jeans on your refrigerator door.

6. Practice a healthy sleep cycle.

Sleep for seven to eight hours only. Studies prove that people who sleep less than six hours and over nine hours are less optimistic and confident.

7. Surround yourself with positive people.

Avoid cynical people because they may increase your stress level and make you doubt your ability to manage stress in healthy ways. In addition, be with people who are positive, supportive, and willing to give you useful feedback and advice.

8. Have daily positive self-talk.

One simple rule—say nothing to yourself that you won’t say to anyone else. If a negative thought enters your mind, assess it and respond with affirmations (positive views you say aloud to boost yourself). Change your “I’ve never done this” statement with “I’ll tackle it from a different angle.”

9. Laugh often.

Seek humor in your daily life’s happenings. When you laugh at life, you’ll sense less strain.

10. Do something you love.

Whether it’s a new hobby or an artistic outlet, pursue what you love and allow yourself to prosper in it.

More tips to promote positive thinking:

  • Sing. It doesn’t matter if the entire tune is off-key. It will make you better!
  • Play a game. But don’t get too competitive!
  • Write your achievements. Once you stop being pessimistic, you’ll realize tons of good things happen in your life more than you thought.
  • Do something new. Eat in a new restaurant, visit an art gallery, or venture on a new walking path.

Pessimism is a habit you can overcome through keen knowledge, proper behavior, and sheer determination. To develop more positive thinking, realize the cause of your negativity and change the way you look at life. For more interesting write-ups like this one, go through our blog page and our curriculum vitae services for your writing needs.

Sources: Mayo Clinic | PickTheBrain | Livestrong.com | Lifehack
Photo by Binti Malu from Pexels

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