Specialized Resume: Knowing Its Use to Guarantee a Successful Job Search

6 min read

When you’re submitting an application for a job in a specialized field, it’s important to highlight the knowledge and skills that you can bring to the position. More importantly, making a specialized resume that highlights your qualifications for that specific position is the best approach you can pursue.

But before anything else, what does โ€˜specialized resumeโ€™ really mean? How can you convince the hiring manager that youโ€™re the winning choice using this type of resume? In this article, we will walk you through what a specialized resume is and why it plays a big role in your successful job search.

What is a Specialized Resume?

Similar to a resume and curriculum vitae, specialized resumes highlight your qualifications and include information on your education, professional background, and accomplishments from previous jobs. However, just as resumes and CVs differ in terms of length, content, and purpose; specialized resumes are also distinct in usage and formatting. 

In contrast to the typical job search tool, these types of resumes are created based on the specific needs and requirements of particular positions and fields. It has unique formatting and requires certain sections that are not typically found in general CVs and resumes.

In addition, specialized resumes give you the chance to highlight your strengths to impress hiring managers and make sure the potential employer sees a qualified employee with the appropriate skills and who could add value to the company.

A Woman Working Model Holding Specialized Resume

Types of Specialized Resumes Encountered During Job Search

It is not enough that you just know what a specialized resume is and why you need one. On the contrary, it is also critical that you know how many different types of specialized resumes you can develop or encounter during a job search.ย  Depending on the circumstance and your target market, below are the following types of specialized and industry-specific resumes that you can use when applying for jobs.

What is the Area of Specialization in Resume?

An applicant’s area of specialization represents their skillset or expertise within their field. It is essentially listed in a resume to demonstrate to employers that the candidates have a distinct set of skills that can add value to the company.

Having specialization in a certain job function or mastery of tasks within a specific area of work also help candidates in advancing their career and realizing great benefits in todayโ€™s competitive job market. These include the following:

  • Job seekers who specialize in a particular task position themselves as experts in their field. It distinguishes you from other job applicants with generic pools of knowledge in fields that require a great deal of expertise, such as nursing or IT industry.
  • Specialists in their field may demand higher pay than non-specialist employees. 
  • Area of specialization is a tool that makes an applicant a standout. It enhances a person’s reputation in a field and in local markets.
  • People with specializations have credibility in their field, which inspires others to rely on and trust their knowledge.
  • Having a broad knowledge base is valued by many companies, which is why employees with specializations cannot be easily replaced.
A Man Smiling To Job Search Using Specialized Resume

Why a Specialized Resume Plays a Role in Successful Job Search

Perhaps you’ve heard that one of the best ways to catch a recruiter’s eye is to customize your resume for each job that you apply for. Creating a specialized resume is very critical to landing an interview, so knowing how to customize your resume improves your chances of success, especially in specialized fields.

Below are some fundamentals of crafting a document that will stand out for each job application: 

1. Study the job posting and job description.

Every time you create your specialized resume, you should start with the job posting or description. Check and review the job description to see if you are fit for the job. After all, this is where employers tell you what they’re looking for, so tailor your resume to them.

2. Tailor your resume.

After spending some time familiarizing yourself with the job description or job posting, it’s time to put your research to use. Tweak your general resume to position yourself as the top choice for a given position using a targeted format. Writing a targeted resume allows you to highlight your relevant experience, along with your skills and expertise aligned to the job description. 

You may also want to flesh out your achievements by using numbers so hiring managers can measure your success. Finally, make sure you revise your profile summary for employers to see at once that you are a well-qualified candidate for the position.

3. Use specific keywords to pass the applicant tracking system (ATS).

Before your resume reaches a person in human resources or management, it often goes through a company’s ATS, which looks for keywords or important phrases the employer wants to see and filters out resumes that do not include them.

So when you write your specialized resume, include the important keywords you collected in the job description. The closer your words match, the more likely that youโ€™ll get through that initial screening phase or surpass the keen yet mechanical eye of the ATS. 

4. Proofread and make necessary adjustments.

Spend some time reviewing and editing your work. Punctuation, grammar, and spelling should all be checked in your resume. Always remember that proofreading your work makes sure that the message you want to convey in your written resume is clear and well communicated.

A Man Showing How To List Skills On Specialized Resume

How to List Specialized Skills for Resume

Your job application could succeed or fail depending on the skills you highlight on your resume, and how you format them. Showcasing the right skills on your resume will also help you convince the recruiter that you are an ideal candidate and that you can contribute significantly to their team.

Having that said, which skills should you focus on? How should you write a list of skills on your resume to make it more impactful? Read on to explore the best way to list your skills on a resume to stand out from the competition:

1. Always tailor your resume skills to the position or industry you’re applying for.

As much as possible, make sure the requirements listed in the job description correspond to the information in your skills section. Additionally, it increases the likelihood that the initial screening of your resume will be favorable.

2. Be sure to add any specialized skills in the work experience section.

Connecting your skills and abilities to measurable outcomes and experiences from your previous roles is one of the best ways to demonstrate that you are the right person for the job. This aids recruiters in evaluating your performance through numbers and data.

3. Sort the skills according to their importance or relevance to the position.

To help hiring managers, quickly identify your strengths and areas of expertise by grouping your skills together, consider dividing your skills into two groups: hard skills and soft skills.

  • Hard Skills are also called technical skills. The abilities are specific to the job or field of work, which is often learned on the job or through formal education and training. Some of the hard skills examples are โ€˜software proficiencyโ€™, โ€˜social media managementโ€™, โ€˜project managementโ€™, and โ€˜human resourceโ€™.
  • Soft Skills, on the other hand, are those traits that show how you approach work or personal attributes that come naturally or can be developed over time. These include but are not limited to interpersonal abilities, multitasking, or leadership.

Expert Tip:

Always keep in mind that hiring managers only skim through resumes for approximately 7 seconds before deciding whether or not to invite you for an interview. So, make sure your skills section is interesting and appropriately tailored to your target post.

Specialized Resume Example

Do you feel that you could use some resume examples and ideas to see if you could put all the information above into practice? Here is an example of a specialized resume layout for the entertainment industry that has unique formatting.

Resume Professional Writers Specialized Resume Example

Impress Employers with your Specialized Resume

Compared to simply sending the same resume to every job posting, a lot of work may go into tailoring your resume and cover letter for each position. But if you’re serious about getting that interview and landing that dream job, preparing a unique and specialized resume will make all the difference. 

Donโ€™t worry if you really don’t have the time to create a strong resume. Resume Professional Writers can help. We offer the best professional resume writing services that fit your needs to secure the job youโ€™re hoping for. Gain more edge in todayโ€™s job competition and take the latest resume trends to your advantage. Speak with one of our career experts today and let us help you craft the best resume for your job search needs!

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