How to Calm Nerves Before an Interview: Tips and Tricks to Ace Your Next Interview

7 min read

Have you received an interview invite from your target employer? That’s great news!

Not to burst your bubble, but are you ready for it? Many job seekers get nervous at this stageโ€”the job interview. Itโ€™s normal if you experience the same thing. Fortunately, there are ways you can do to excel and impress hiring managers.

Preparing days before the interview is one thing; calmly taking part in the session is another. The challenge is that some job hunters have a hard time doing the latter. If youโ€™re one of them and you want to know how to calm nerves before an interview, youโ€™re on the right page.

Get ready to learn some hacks on how to calm nerves before an interview to get on the good side of your interviewer. But first, letโ€™s talk about the reasons we get nervous in job interviews.

Why Do We Get Nervous Before Job Interviews?

As mentioned earlier, getting nervous in job interviews is common. Why? Itโ€™s a crucial stage to securing your target profession. Regardless of how many times youโ€™ve been taking part in interviews, it could still be nerve-racking. This is because itโ€™s your moment to prove to hiring managers that youโ€™re capable and the best fit for the job.

That being said, job interviews can be stressful. As our brains prepare for the event, it could result to anxiety and distress. The fear of failure and the knowledge that you need to perform to impress the interviewer both put weight on the current state of the job seeker and could lead to getting nervous.

The next time you attend a job interview, know that itโ€™s normal to get the jitters. However, there are things that can be done to rise above the pressure an interview brings. Not just that, there are also ways on how to calm nerves before an interview. Hence, you need not worry so much. Instead, prepare for whatโ€™s aheadโ€”the big day.

A Man Doesn't Know How To Calm Nerves Before An Interview

Tips and Tricks on How to Calm Nerves Before an Interview

In order to lock your chances of landing the job, you need to be able to effectively communicate what you can bring to the table. Doing so gives hiring managers the impression that youโ€™re fit to take on the job. This is achievable when you confidently present yourself to your prospective employer.

To help you on your job search journey, hereโ€™s a lowdown on how to calm nerves before an interview.

1. Get ready for the big day.

Before going to the interview, make sure that youโ€™ve done your homeworkโ€”research about the company, practice answering common interview questions, and prepare for the things you need. Donโ€™t forget to gather as much information as you can about the job opening. Doing so helps you to be confident during the interview.

2. Make a plan for the day ahead.

Aside from the usual things you do before an interview, itโ€™s best to plan your day ahead. Donโ€™t schedule other appointments on the day of your interview. If you can, free your schedule a day before. This gives you time to fuel your mind, focus on the interview, and get enough rest before the event.

3. Practice mindfulness activities.

One important tip on how to calm nerves before an interview is through mindfulness exercises. You can go for a walk or listen to music. They can ease your nerves and drive away negative thoughts. It also improves your mental and emotional state.

You can also come up with statements that you want to manifest, such as โ€œI am calm,โ€ โ€œI am confident,โ€ โ€œI am capable and best for the job,โ€ and โ€œI will get this job.โ€ Believing and pronouncing these will serve as a reminder as well as motivation for you as you face your interviewer.

4. Talk to a friend.

Get an extra boost of confidence by talking to a friend. Let them encourage you and remind you of your good qualities. Donโ€™t forget their compliments. Their words of affirmation can go a long way, especially in times when you doubt yourself.

5. Arrive at the venue at least 15 minutes before your scheduled meeting.

Having ample time to settle on the venue lets you cool down your anxiety. Remember, being in a rush adds to the stress youโ€™re already dealing with. Thus, make sure to be there before your interview starts so you can have a breather. Not just that, being punctual in the interview shows that you value time.

Expert Tip:

If youโ€™re attending an online interview, perform a technical test an hour before the scheduled time. Then, be at the virtual waiting room at least 15 minutes before the interview starts.

6. Take a deep breath.

Another vital tip on how to calm nerves before an interview is breathing properly. Taking deep breaths can help you ease your anxiety. Take your time and breathe. This allows your heartbeat to slow down and helps you think clearly.

7. Eat a good meal.

Donโ€™t go to an interview on an empty stomach. This doesnโ€™t just contribute to your interview jitters; it can also hinder you from thinking clearly. A good, healthy meal helps with the mood and gives you the energy you need for the day.

A Woman Thinking Of Positive Thoughts Before An Interview.

8. Think positively.

Another trick for how to calm nerves before an interview is to think positively. Reason out with your anxious mind by focusing on the idea that you wonโ€™t get an interview invite if youโ€™re not qualified. That alone can give your self-esteem a nudge, giving you the hope and drive to do a great job.

9. Avoid caffeinated drinks.

While itโ€™s true that coffee can give you an extra kick of energy, for some who are not into caffeinated beverages, too much caffeine can leave you jittery. Hence, avoid drinking coffee before the interview.

Nevertheless, if youโ€™re a coffee lover, donโ€™t let this tip stop you. Have your daily dose of your favorite bean as usual.

10. Wear the right outfit.

Dress appropriately for the event. Wear job interview attire that stands out while still looking professional. Looking presentable can give you confidence. Thus, decide on what youโ€™re wearing a day before the interview.


Roundup of How to Calm Nerves Before an Interview Tips

  1. Get ready for the big day.
  2. Make a plan for the day ahead.
  3. Practice mindfulness activities.
  4. Talk to a friend.
  5. Arrive at the venue at least 15 minutes before your scheduled meeting.
  6. Take a deep breath.
  7. Eat a good meal.
  8. Think positively.
  9. Avoid caffeinated drinks.
  10. Wear the right outfit.

Ways on How to Calm Nerves During an Interview

Now that you have the list of how to calm nerves before an interview, letโ€™s talk about some ways you can ease your anxiety during your talk with your interviewer.

1. Greet your interviewer with a smile.

Be courteous and smile. It makes you look confident and welcoming. This allows you to leave a good first impression.

2. Treat the interview as a conversation.

A job interview is an important part of the hiring process. Because of this, many job seekers get nervous about it. However, if you think of it as a normal conversation, you might find yourself at ease. However, donโ€™t let your guard downโ€”you still need to impress the hiring manager.

3. Mind your body language.

When youโ€™re aware of your gestures and posture, you can present yourself better. This speaks volume to the one youโ€™re talking to, as it poses confidence.

4. Focus on your qualifications.

During the interview, you might get intimidated by the interviewer, but donโ€™t let that hinder you. Know your strengths and remind yourself of your goals.

Related Article:

Effective Tips on How to Explain Employment Gap on Your Resume and During the Job Interview

5. Do the STOP method.

When you feel like your head is spinning from nervousness, try this method. Itโ€™s a technique thatโ€™s helpful in stressful situations. The STOP method stands for:

Stop and focus on your thoughts.
Take deep breaths.
Observe whatโ€™s happening in your bodyโ€”your thoughts, emotions, and feelings.
Proceed with the intention of incorporating your observations into your actions.

6. Recognize that mistakes happen.

Perfection isnโ€™t the goal; excellence is. Your interviewer surely isnโ€™t looking for someone who doesnโ€™t make mistakes, but someone who is dependable and qualified for the post. Nonetheless, donโ€™t put too much weight on your shoulders with the belief that thereโ€™s no room for mistakes. Instead, accept that while things wonโ€™t always be how you planned them to be, youโ€™re still able to rise above the situation.

Young Man Taking Time Talking To Job Interview.

7. Take your time.

You donโ€™t need to rush the interview. Breathe and think of your response before answering each question with confidence.

8. Use the STAR method.

Having a structure when answering your interviewer helps you be at ease. Hence, use the STAR methodโ€”start by sharing the situation, the task that needs to be done, your action toward the situation, and the result.

9. Be present.

Try to focus on whatโ€™s happening to avoid spacing out. Let go of the thoughts that arenโ€™t related to the interview and pivot to impressing the interviewer with your attentiveness.

10. Believe in a positive outcome.

A job interview could be a stressful experience as itโ€™s a critical phase that you need to go through to secure the job. However, donโ€™t let your worries get the best of you. Trust that whatever the result of the interview is, youโ€™ll land a job that is for you, whether itโ€™s this interview or your next.


Tips on How to Calm Nerves During an Interview

  1. Greet your interviewer with a smile.
  2. Treat the interview as a conversation.
  3. Mind your body language.
  4. Focus on your qualifications.
  5. Do the STOP method
  6. Recognize that mistakes happen.
  7. Take your time.
  8. Use the STAR method.
  9. Be present.
  10. Believe in a positive outcome.

Aim for Career Success with Job Interview Tips by Expert Career Coaches

Have you decided on what career path to take?

Securing your target profession is possible when you have the skills and expertise that are significant to the position. Itโ€™s critical to highlight your qualifications in your resume to increase your chances of getting an interview invite. This is easy when you have the credentials, relevant skills, and experience.

However, if you donโ€™t have these, donโ€™t lose heart. You still have a chance with the help of our expert career coaches and professional writers. We at Resume Professional Writers aim to provide not just the best resume writing services but also practical career advice such as job interview tips. Read more career tips and elevate your chances of getting a job. Connect with us today!

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