Settling Things Before Settling In: Writing a Two Weeksโ€™ Notice the Professional Way

6 min read

People parting ways will always be constant in life, and leaving your current job is no different. These are certain decisions that we have to make to grow individually and are essential in building our career path. As a professional, you donโ€™t have to feel bad if you are considering resigning. It happens to anyone, and it doesnโ€™t have to be a negative experience. Remember that you can always settle things first on your current job before settling into your next one.

There are ways to leave your company on good terms, like giving your employer a 2 week notice letter of your resignation. If you are interested in knowing more about it, then weโ€™ve got you covered. Hereโ€™s a breakdown of everything you need to know about a two weeksโ€™ notice letter, and a sample template below to guide you in writing your own.

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What is a 2 Week Notice Letter, and Why is It Important?

A two weeksโ€™ notice is a formal letter of resignation that is given to your employer or direct supervisor for them to have enough time to look for your replacement or assign your tasks to another employee. While you are not obliged to turn in a two weeksโ€™ notice as there are no laws that require you to do so, giving one is nevertheless the best way to part with the company on good terms.

Take note that there are some cases where you must submit a notice of resignation for a designated period if it is part of the company’s policy or included in your contract. You have to be wary of your contract and ensure that you abide by all the conditions written to avoid conflicts later on.

Expert Tip:

A 2 week notice letter can go a long way. The company will undoubtedly appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm, and you may be granted a positive recommendation letter that would be beneficial for your next job application.

When to Give Your Two Weeksโ€™ Notice

If your reason for resigning is applying for a better job offer, then you should only give your two weeksโ€™ notice after sealing the deal. You might get excited about leaving your company after hearing about a job offer, but nothing is set in stone until you sign a contract with your new employer. You should not risk being unemployed due to excitement. If you have other reasons for resigning, then just make sure that you have already thought it through and not just acting on impulse.

Just remember that there are circumstances where your current employer would ask you to leave immediately after receiving your resignation letter. However, most companies would appreciate you staying for two more weeks to lend a hand with the transition.

2 Weeks Notice Letter

Why Give Your Two Weeksโ€™ Notice

Doing so is a professional courtesy that will help you to leave your company positively, regardless of the reason behind your resignation.

Announcing your resignation two weeks prior to your last working day will also give you time to settle things before you leave, since a two weeksโ€™ notice can also be used to express what you hope to accomplish in your remaining time as an employee.

How to Write a Two Weeksโ€™ Notice Letter

Here are five easy steps that you can follow in writing your professional two weeksโ€™ notice:

1. Address the letter.

Start your letter by including the date, the name of the person you are addressing the letter to, and the companyโ€™s name and address.

2. State your resignation.

In the opening paragraph, directly state that you are informing the recipient that you will be resigning from your job in two weeks. It is a must to indicate the exact date of your last working day to avoid confusion.

3. Express your gratitude.

In the next paragraph, briefly express how thankful you are for the opportunities and experiences youโ€™ve gained throughout your tenure with the company. You can also include your reason for resigning, but make it as concise as possible.

4. Mention the next steps.

In your closing paragraph, assure your employer that even though you are about to leave the company, you will still perform your tasks to the highest standards until the very end. You can also include a statement to offer assistance during the transition period.

5. Include a formal ending remark.

End your letter with a formal closing remark such as โ€œSincerely,โ€ and affix your signature on your name.

Close Up View Of Woman Hand Signing Paper

Two Weeksโ€™ Notice Sample Template

(Your Name)
(Email Address)

(Todayโ€™s Date)
(Recipientโ€™s Name)
(Recipientโ€™s Position)
(Company Name)
(Company Address)

Dear (Name of the Recipient),

I am writing this letter to inform you of my resignation as (your job position) of (company name), effective two weeks from today. My last day of employment will be on _____.

I am grateful for the level of professionalism and consideration you have shown me over the past (total years of employment). It has been an honor working with so many talented colleagues, and I will treasure everything that I experienced and learned while working for this company.

If there is any way that I can assist you in finding or training a replacement during my final two weeks at the company, Iโ€™d be happy to help. Best wishes to your company and the rest of the staff.


(Your Name)

Two Weeksโ€™ Notice Sample Letter

Rachel Gomez
150 W Lake Street
Chicago, IL 60601-1001
(444) 444-4444

August 12, 2020
Emily Evans
Marketing Manager
Magic Mage Marketing
180 W Stetson Ave
Chicago, IL 60601-1001

Dear Mrs. Evans,

I am writing this letter to inform you about my resignation as marketing analyst of Magic Mage Marketing, effective two weeks from today. My last day of employment will be on August 26, 2020.

I am grateful for the level of professionalism and consideration you have shown me over the past four years. It has been an honor working with so many talented colleagues, and I will treasure everything that I experienced and learned while working for this company.

If there is any way that I can assist you in finding or training a replacement during my final two weeks at the company, Iโ€™d be happy to help. Best wishes to your company and the rest of the staff.


Rachel Gomez

Tips for Writing a Resignation Letter with Two Weeks’ Notice

Preparing a resignation letter takes a lot of courage and can somehow be frustrating. It would require you to think carefully since the decision you are about to make can have a significant impact on your life. Naturally, after making up your mind, the first thing that you will have to do is talk to your supervisor and prepare your resignation letter. There are various reasons for resigning, and if you are looking for more tips and templates that fit your situation, weโ€™ve covered it in-depth here.

FAQs About Two Weeksโ€™ Notice

  • Can an employer deny my two weeksโ€™ notice?

No, an employer cannot deny a two weeksโ€™ notice of resignation. Its sole purpose is to show courtesy and respect to the company. Hence, they have no right to refuse your letter or email. If they deny your notice for the reason that they want you to leave immediately, then you are entitled to stop coming to work right away.

  • What not to put in two weeksโ€™ notice letter?

Avoid including negative remarks toward the company and your colleagues. Your goal in giving a two weeksโ€™ notice is to leave professionally and on the best terms if possible. It is also unnecessary to write lengthy reasons for resigning. You can even submit it without stating your reason, so you need not be detailed if you prefer to include an explanation.

  • Can you resign without giving notice?

Yes, you can resign without giving a two weeksโ€™ notice or any notice since there are no laws that require you to do so, unless it is stated on your contract or part of the companyโ€™s policy.

Woman Sending Resignation Letter And Pack

Start a New Chapter in Your Career with Professional Help from Our Experts

Resigning from your job will eventually lead you to a new chapter in your career. New doors will open, and you will soon find rooms for growth that will further hone your skills and knowledge.

If you are planning to forge a new career and looking for professional assistance that will maximize your strengths and marketability, you might want to check our career advice blog articles that will not only teach you the doโ€™s and donโ€™ts in achieving your career goals, but also provide you with practical career tips. For more information about how we can help you further your career, contact us today and letโ€™s get started!

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