Finance Manager Resume Example

4 min read
Finance manager analyzing data in graph

Do you want another step up your finance career ladder? Youโ€™ve come to the right place! Letโ€™s help you snag the finance manager role you dream of when you check out our finance manager resume example below to aid you on your job search.

What to Check before Looking for a Finance Manager Resume Example

As of this writing, Google can give you 24.7 million results when you search for examples of a finance manager resume. However, you need not comb through them just to learn what to put in your finance manager resume. We made a complete list that shows how you should craft the best version of your resume!

Your โ€œNonesuchโ€ Finance Manager Role

Target that finance manager post! But before you send out your resume, better find out more about your future role as finance manager. Why? Itโ€™s because finance covers various subfields. Thus, it pays to tell your focus. Will you act as a controller and forecast the companyโ€™s fiscal standing; a treasurer who controls the companyโ€™s funds; a cash manager who handles the cash flow, or a risk manager that gauges the peril your company faces? You must factor your desired post to align your own resume with what hirers require you to do.

Likewise, defining your role helps you look for a finance manager description sample to compare to your resume. So, ask yourself in what role will my experience shine?

Canโ€™t tell yet which finance manager role fits you? Check these common financial manager roles:


Want to become a controller? Should you get the job that would ask you to direct and prepare fiscal reports recap and predict the companyโ€™s standing? You need to study the companyโ€™s income reports, balance sheets, and earnings. Likewise, build ties with government firms and present special reports to them. it will be a test of your leadership skills, too, when you oversee the Accounting, Audit, and Budget departments of a company. Therefore, are you up for the job?

Treasurers and Finance Officers

Do you have what it takes to make the budget meet the firmโ€™s goals? Can you invest and grow the companyโ€™s funds? If you can perform these tasks as you prepare financial plans, this finance manager role is for you! Heads up, you must think of ways to raise the companyโ€™s capital, too.

Credit Managers

Are you great at setting credit policies, identifying if a potential client is worthy of the credit, or collecting dues? Then you must be into high discerning jobs. If you love the challenge, choose this role!

Cash Managers

From the name itself, youโ€™ll mostly deal with cash from and to the company. Further, you’ll monitor and project the cash flow and decide if a firm needs a loan.

Risk Managers

When youโ€™re part of a business, among the crucial aspects is managing fiscal risks. Thus, when you choose this role, you must learn to project risks. Ready to figure financial risk? If you do, focus on this role when you need finance manager resume example.

Finance Figures On The Laptop Screen
Finance Manager Resume Example 1

Required Skills for Financial Managers

By now, you may have already figured out your role. List the financial manager skills you must highlight to snag the job. Besides, we can help you tell a few. Thus, choose from this list the skills that best fit your finance manager role!

  • Analytical approach to work
    – Commercial and business awareness
    – Capacity to make quick but rational decisions
  • Strong attention to detail and investigative nature
    – Negotiation skills and ability to persuade others
  • Organizational Skills
    – Ability to prioritize
    – Team player
    – Leadership potential
  • High numeracy and sound technical skills
    – Information Technology
    – Mathematics

Finance Manager Salary

So, do you have what it takes to be a great finance manager? Hereโ€™s some good news for you! The Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2018, says the increase in finance managerโ€™s job outlook is much faster than average, rising to 19%. Here are the industries and states for finance managers and where you can offer your services.

Industries with the Highest Level of Employment for Finance Managers

  • Credit Mediators
  • Company Management
  • Accounting, Tax, Bookkeeping, and Payroll
  • Securities, Commodity, and Fiscal Reserves

Top Paying States for Finance Managers

  • New York ($101.21/hour)
  • New Jersey ($84.56/hour)
  • Connecticut ($80.37)
  • Delaware ($80.34)
  • District of Columbia ($80.15)

Now that youโ€™ve learned the basics of your dream job, itโ€™s time to look for finance manager resume examples that best fit you. Start here!

Page 1 Of Finance Manager Resume Example Prepared By Resume Professional Writers
Page 2 Of Finance Manager Resume Example Prepared By Resume Professional Writers

Why Our Finance Manager Resume Example Works

View our finance manager resume examples. If you checked other resume samples before, youโ€™ll notice we paint a better and more solid picture of your finance manager feats so you come across as an expert on the job. A well-written piece taken from finance manager resume examples should therefore include these sections:

  • Executive Summary/Qualifications Profile
  • Professional Experience
  • Other/Additional Experience
  • Education
  • Professional Development (Licenses, Training, Seminars)
  • Related Activities (Volunteer Work, Networking Events)
  • Technical Skills

But why do we produce effective samples? Itโ€™s because we’ve teamed up with experts that study your resume and align it with industry standards. Armed with this knowledge, we write resumes to show your competitive edge over other job hunters. Further, we highlight parts that focus on your success and not just a rundown of your former tasks. We aim to make you proud of your resume. 

In addition, we understand that your role as a finance manager goes beyond what numbers say. You need to make sure the company is in its best financial health so your career could succeed. Donโ€™t risk your future just because you took chances on your resume.

So, do you want to have a surefire resume that can help you achieve your dream career? Donโ€™t rely on finance manager resume examples you find on the internet. Get help from the best resume writing services right away!

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