Preparing for a Phone Interview after a Face-to-Face Meeting

3 min read

Just when you thought that the nerve-wrecking stage of being tested by some corporate bigwig is over, your landline rung, and surprise, itโ€™s the HR who gave you the cold handshake last week! Bet you didnโ€™t miss him. But whatโ€™s worse, he said the line will be directed to your prospective corporate manager for a phone interview.

Grunt. You havenโ€™t thought of preparing for this situation, especially when youโ€™ve just gotten over the face-to-face interview. But, of course, youโ€™re not into messing the chance of your lifetime just because it bushwhacks right out of the phone.

If youโ€™ve been through the sneaky situation of ambush employer calls, youโ€™d better learn from it. Not because a job interview has just ended also means that you can sit back and just wait for the results. If you still havenโ€™t encountered any, then lucky you, you still have time to get ready. To avoid aftershocks of unexpected phone interview, Resume Professional Writers prepared some tips for you.

A Smiling Lady After An Unexpected Job Phone Interview.jpg

5-Step Chance to Avoid Aftershock after Your Phone Interview

1. Anticipate the call

The best way in preparing for a phone interview is to expect that it will come. Donโ€™t fall into the trap of lazy thinking. Assume that your prospects will call you anytime after youโ€™ve given them your contacts. No, donโ€™t even cling to the possibility that they wonโ€™t, just because it comforts you. Keep alert and start listing answers for possible questions that they might toss in the line.

2. Ask them to ring you after some minutes

If itโ€™s an ambush call, it will be better if you politely ask the interviewer to ring you after some minutes. Give yourself some time to practice your voice and recollect your thoughts. Get the copy of your resume, stand up, and shift your psyche to the serious, corporate mode. Doing some warm ups before you finally answer the phone will boost your chance of striking a good conversation to a very great extent. No matter what others tell you, a few minutes will be critical to your success in the job application.

3. Find an unobstructed place

You must hear your own breath before you can say that your environment is ready enough for the phone interview. In times like this, you canโ€™t afford to have a communication barrier on your end of line. The television can literally ruin the career of your life. So if you donโ€™t want to screw up, mute everything in the room. If that isnโ€™t possible from wherever youโ€™re standing right now, find one quiet place outside. Breathe slowly and wait for the call.

4. Pace yourself, talk a bit slower

Itโ€™s harder to process the sound signals from the phone, so take time delivering your answers. You have to be sure of speaking clear because the way you hear yourself in actual is not the way that your employer will hear you from the line. Keep your voice loud and pace slower than normal. It wonโ€™t only give your employers a time to decode what you have just said, it also gives you time to think on how you will say your answers.

5. Tune in for the next step

Express your enthusiasm for the job opportunity and ask for what will come next. Tell that you would like to help if there is still any information needed before you can move on to the next phase. Preparing for a phone interview is effective when you shoo away the butterflies in your stomach and have the gall to project a lively communicator through the line.

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