Fundraising Manager Resume Example

4 min read
A fundraising manager talking to a sponsor as part of her job evident in fundraising manager resume examples

Building connections with donors and sponsors to help fund a cause can be a rewarding career. Some see it as their vocation, while some see it as their means of living. If this sounds like a career you want to pursue, make sure to stand out and snag that job post with a great resume. As you write yours, use our fundraising manager resume example below to guide you.

Working as a Fundraising Manager

Jobs for public relations and fundraising managers will grow by 8% from 2018 to 2028, as stated by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Further, the median fundraising manager salary is $54,351 a year, which is $19.69 per hour as per PayScale. Aside from these, it’s worth noting the job tasks and skills a good fundraising manager must have.

What Does a Fundraising Manager Do?

So what does a fundraising manager do? They coordinate campaigns that bring in donations and funds for the organization. In detail, here are some of their main job duties:

  • Develop plans and goals for raising money
  • Determine and explore donor pools
  • Write grant proposals
  • Manage endowments
  • Plan and spearhead marketing efforts
  • Keep in contact with the CEO and board
  • Refine plans and align them with the company’s goals
  • Apply for grants
  • Handle VIP donors
  • Assign, supervise, and review staff tasks

These duties mentioned above should be present in a well-written fundraising manager resume example.

What Makes a Good Fundraising Manager?

To be fit for this job post, know the skills you need to have through this fundraising skills list:

  • Communication. A good fundraising manager has great oral and written communication skills since they have to convince people to contribute their money to a cause.
  • Interpersonal. People in this field should be able to build connections with donors and potential partners to help achieve the organizationโ€™s fundraising efforts.
  • Technology. Fundraisers also need to be adept in social media to reach more donors. This includes using technology to collect, study, and store vital donor and fundraising data.
  • Sales. Promoting events, acquiring sponsors and donors, and securing donations for raffles are just some of their sales-related tasks.
  • Judgment. They also need to assess if their strategies and plans for their fundraising efforts are effective, helping reach their goals.

Reviewing Fundraising Manager Resume Example

Aside from the main tasks, duties, and skills a good fundraising manager should have, you also need to review resume examples as you prepare for your job search. Before writing your own resume, study our fundraising manager resume sample below to guide you on how yours should look like.

Fundraising Manager Resume Example

Fundraising Manager Resume Example Prepared By Resume Professional Writers

Writing Your Fundraising Manager Resume

Just as how fundraising managers need to write effective and feasible fundraising proposals, job seekers like you also need to write a job-winning resume to land your target job. With that, we listed the top tips to heed as you write your own resume.

1. Craft a strong summary statement.

Instead of a resume objective, write a striking qualifications profile. In this part, you may be able to talk about your work history and what makes you the best fit for the job post in a few yet effective statements.

As seen in the resume sample, Amy used ‘multifaceted’ and ‘results-oriented’ as keywords to describe her qualifications.

2. List your core strengths.

Make it easier for recruiters to know you’re the one they’re looking for through your areas of expertise. In this section, assess and filter your skills and list the ones you think will best represent your career.

Amy used fundraising resume keywords such as ‘fundraising events planning and coordination’ and ‘client and donor relations’, to name a few.

3. Detail your work history.

Use action verbs to describe your current and past roles and duties. This does not only maintain the uniformity in your resume; it also gives recruiters an idea of how your career path will be useful for the job you’re eyeing for.

On the resume sample, Amy described her career history using verbs such as ‘provide’, ‘manage’, ‘work closely’, ‘rendered’, and ‘took charge of’ to name a few.

4. List your career highlights.

Another way to stand out among the other job candidates is to note your achievements on your resume. Aside from serving as support for your work history, your career highlights also speak of your performance and credence in your field.

Amy used ‘drove key efforts’ and ‘achieved’ along with key figures to describe and represent some highlights in her career.

Man Using His Laptop To Browse For Fundraising Manager Resume Example Online

Work with the Top Resume Writers Now!

If you’re doubtful of your skills in resume writing, you don’t have to go through this tedious task. You can seek help from the experts! Work with the top resume writers now and ensure a job-winning resume. Aside from fundraising manager resume example, we also offer the best resume writing services for every job seeker at any job level. Our resume offers are suited for your unique job search needs, so you won’t miss out on your job hunt game!

Need more resources? You may browse through our other resume examples and career help blogs.

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