Work-Life Balance and Time Management Tips for Working Moms

2 min read

Nothing beats the busy schedule of a full-time working mother. Her day often starts by preparing food and sending off her children to school and husband to work. After these, she’ll transform into a regular 8 to 5 employee. Then, head back home to cook dinner and attend to her family.

Thus, as Mother’s Day draws near, Resume Professional Writers honors working moms with tips on how to manage time wisely.

Tips for a Busy Working Mother: How to Maintain Work-Life Balance

For mothers toiling to keep the home clean and hungry tummies full, here are a few ways moms can balance work and family.

1. Say “No”

For others, saying “no” on extra projects and PTA meetings is challenging. However, it’s a skill that can save time you can dedicate to more important tasks. Pause before saying “yes” to every single invitation you receive. Besides, as a working mother, excuses aren’t necessary.

2. Focus on important tasks

For most people, focusing on a single task rather allows them to perform better. If you’re like this, multitasking won’t take you anywhere. Thus, at work, stop worrying over dinner, and while at home, forget about emails and calls.

3. Get enough sleep

Don’t sacrifice sleep to finish your daily chores. You must rest to thrive and for your brain to function well. So learn to schedule your tasks. Likewise, enforce a bedtime for your children.

4. Prioritize the hardest task

Plan your daily schedule and begin with the most urgent and hardest task. Further, you’ll have a longer time and better energy to handle the worst and least stressful chores before going home and attending to your family.

5. Plan family meals

Prepare a week’s meal for your family. This allows you to double a recipe when your day is lighter and have easy-to-cook or takeout food during hectic ones. You can ask your children rather to cook if they’re old enough.

6. Delegate tasks

You need not do everything alone. In particular, maximize your hours by sharing the responsibility with and delegating the work to others. Assign household chores to family members also. In addition, ask your colleagues to handle other tasks if you’re doing a project together.

7. Schedule family and “me” times

Schedule A Separate Family And “Me” Time - Working Mother
Photo from Pexels

A working mother places her family and work first. However, setting aside a time for yourself will build your strength and regain your energy to function better and quicker. Besides, planning family time, arrange a separate day to pamper yourself.

A working mother needs patience, management skills, and effort. Further, it’s not a role everybody can play. Thus, as one such amazing human being, Resume Professional Writers salutes you, mothers, for your never-ending love and dedication!

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